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Terms and condition

MANAGERIAL KINGDOM PTE. LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes these Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as "the Agreement") for applicants and users (collectively referred to as "the User" or "the Users") of the online English conversation service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provided on the website "Lovely-talks.com" operated by the Company. The User must agree to this Agreement and the Company's separately defined Privacy Policy (regarding the handling of personal information). The Company shall consider that the User has agreed to all the provisions of this Agreement at the time the User applies for registration to the Service.

Article 1 (Scope of the Agreement)

The scope of application of this Agreement includes the website (hereinafter referred to as "the Website") provided by the Company on the Internet, as well as information transmitted by the Company to the User via email or other means. Definitions used in this Agreement are as follows: The lessons provided through the Service on the Internet shall be referred to as "Lessons. “The instructors providing English conversation lessons through the Service shall be referred to as "Instructors. “The email address listed in the User's registration information for the Service shall be referred to as the "Designated Email Address. “The instructor assigned to a particular Lesson shall be referred to as the "Assigned Instructor. “The act of reserving Lesson time in advance with the Assigned Instructor shall be referred to as a "Reserved Lesson."

Article 2 (Registration for the Service)

The User shall apply for registration to the Service through the means specified by the Company. In doing so, the User must confirm and agree to the following matters regarding the registration for the Service: Confirm that the communication environment is suitable for using the Service. If the User is a minor, obtain the consent of their legal guardian or authorized representative. Acknowledge that the Instructors providing the English conversation service may include employees, part-time workers, or contract workers of the Company. Consent to receiving notifications, advertisements, surveys, and other communications related to the Service via email. Acknowledge that the Company may record, record, and store the User's inquiries and other contact details for the purpose of improving the quality of customer support. The email address, password, or other information (hereinafter referred to as "Password, etc.") used by the User for the registration of the Service shall be available for use within the Service. If the User falls under any of the following reasons as determined by the Company, the Company may refuse the registration application or cancel the registration, even if it has already been completed: The User is determined to be non-existent or there is a risk of non-existence. There is a risk of multiple accounts being registered by the same person, or multiple accounts have been registered. False, incorrect, or missing information was provided during registration. At the time of application, the User has received or is currently subject to temporary account suspension, forced withdrawal, or rejection of membership contract application due to violation of the membership agreement, or has experienced such actions in the past. The payment information provided by the applicant as a payment method has been deemed invalid by the payment company. The User has previously neglected to make payment for services. The User is a minor, an adult under guardianship, a ward, or a person under assistance, and has not obtained the consent of a guardian or legal representative at the time of registration. In other cases where the Company deems the User unsuitable as a user of the Service. The User must strictly manage their password and other related information. The Company may consider the use of the Service by the User as valid and authorized if the inputted password and other registered information match during login.

The User must not allow a third party to use their password or other related information. Transferring, lending, or any other form of provision to third parties is also prohibited. In the event that the User forgets their password or suspects unauthorized use by a third party, the User must promptly notify the Company and follow the instructions provided. The User shall be obligated to compensate for any damages resulting from delays in such notification.


Article 3 (Modification of Registration Information)

If the User determines that changes are necessary in their registration information, they shall promptly proceed with the change procedure for the registration information through the means specified by the Company. The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred as a result of the User's delay in completing the change procedure.

Article 4 (Prohibited Actions)

The User must not engage in th